Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Lost in Thought: "Happily Ever After"

I just finished watching last night's episode of Lost. Dana said that I was going to have a hay day with this one for theories and I can see why. Desmond-centric episodes are always significant and usually are the game changers for what is happening or what will happen. I actually loved how most of the episode took place in the flashsideways and how it brought back a lot of characters past.

There are two major ideas that streamed through this episode that stood out for me and one was what was important in life. We get to see Desmond in a place where all the things that were problems before are now wiped away. He was not an enemy of Charles Widmore, but rather his right hand man. He had money and the ability to do whatever he wanted. I do believe that Desmond was happy or content to a certain extent, but he did not love anyone and he was not aware of what he was missing. Charlie in his crazed wisdom was able to wake him up to this other mysterious idea of a woman whom he loved. He was willing to throw away his life of luxury for this idea, which was not even a reality for him.

This is why science fiction can tell some of the best stories because it can portray an idea that traditional stories cannot or at least portray it in such an engaging and beautiful way. When you see him meet Penny at the end and the interaction between the two, it made it feel like home. Like this is the way it should be.

This brings me the second major idea of the episode which is the idea of living through trials may be better for us. So far, all of the flashsideways have been generally pretty positive. Most of the characters are living lives that have turned out better than the original. They may be in a better place or perhaps have an improved perspective on things. They have, in general, made better choices than their island counterparts. I remember when people were predicting what was going to happen in the wake of the hydrogen bomb explosion, one of the ideas was that the plane was going to land in Los Angeles and everything was fine. I also remember how many people hated that idea because it would mean that the previous five seasons of the show would have meant nothing. All of those trials and moments of character growth would have disappeared. We as an audience have our selfish reasons for why that would be a rip off, but really, it means that the characters are the ones missing out.

I believe it is important for people to go through trials as a part of their experience. Can you really say that you are loyal if your loyalty has never been tested? Can you say that you have faith if your faith has never been tested? Can you say that you've loved if you've never had to sacrifice?

I really liked tonight's episode and from here they have also given us more insight into the connection between the flashsideways and the island realm. The two scenarios have been disconnected in terms of any real sense, although the writers have used it as an opportunity to give more insight into the characters. That's when you need a Desmond episode in order to bring the next segment of mystery to light.

It seems like electromagnetics is once again suggested as the great energy lying underneath the island with Widmore's test on Desmond. What Widmore wants out of Desmond may be to sacrifice himself and it will have to do with the electromagnetic source. Now, once again, the writers are messing with us, because it's starting to look like Widmore may be a good guy again. Which would be funny, because you would then have three groups of people who are wanting to accomplish something good but may collide in such a way that would be disastrous for all. I really can't say Widmore is a bad guy anymore, because it doesn't seem like he's trying to use the island's energy source for some nefarious purpose, at least at this point.

All three groups have displayed elements of good motives, but with scary and questionable methods. Almost like many major religions and philosophies. Hmm.

Anyway, Desmond is the key to this mystery of what is happening in the parallel scenarios. The other person who caught a glimpse of the flashsideways world was Juliet. Sweet, sweet Juliet. If electromagnetism allowed Desmond to travel there and Juliet travelled there as well, she was at the brink of this electromagnetic source and she got to see the other side. I am betting that we are definitely going to see her in the flashsideways in the next couple of weeks she's may have a vague awareness of the island similar to Desmond.

I am wondering if we are going to see the flashsideways Desmond try to let everyone on the flight know about the other place as almost a revelation or something for them to learn from. I am still leaning that the island will be done away with in the end and the flashsideways will be what's left, but they are going to gain the benefit of the islanders experience.

A lot of people have been caught up different ideas such as the Locke Monster or Jacob or the idea of the island being a cork. I have been way more captivated by the first episode with Kate in the tree and the sounds of her being underwater. I think it's somehow a clue but I have not been able to piece together where it fits. At one point I thought it made sense the islanders were in a spiritual state underneath the ocean in the flashsideways, but that sounded like I was on crack. Maybe, I'm getting caught on the wrong idea, but it was a very specific sound and intentionally done right at the start. I don't know. Maybe it ties in with the reflection idea of the flashsideways.

Well, that's all I want to dig into. I am going to enjoy the beauty of Victoria and hopefully I'll run into the girl that I loved on the island.

1 comment:

Dana said...

Interesting thoughts indeed...
They have 5 episodes to get it all sorted out. I will not be impressed if I am left clueless in 5 weeks. Not impressed at all. Hope your trip is going well! We missed your presence at the Lost watching.