Monday, November 07, 2005

Except I won't Call Them "Deep Throat" Because That Guy Was Named After a Porno

I thought that I would post a little known Dave secret. Actually, for those who've talked to me in the past few days, it really isn't a secret. I mean, if you've seen me at all, I've probably told you already. Or if I saw you walking across the street, I would yell to you my secret, but if you were coming in my direction and I had a little time, maybe I'd wait for you to get to me and then I would momentarily forget what I was about to say, you'd check your watch, and then I'd remember and finally tell you my secret.

In fact, the people that I haven't told don't have an inkling. I guess that's usually the case when you don't tell them. Anyway, the people I haven't told would most likely crush their spirits.

Anyway, my secret is this: I'm about to appear in the worst movie ever written by a human. I'm not even going to tell you the title so that if you look for a bad movie that I'm in, you wouldn't know where to look...and I'll use a fake name. The whole reason I got involved was because I thought, "Be in a movie? That'd be great" and then after I agreed I read the script and wished that I hadn't doomed myself to artistic suicide. The reason it is even a secret is because aside from myself and another individual (whom I will keep anonymous. It's kind of like my Deep Throat. Except I won't call them "Deep Throat" because that guy was named after a porno) the others seem to put forth that this is actually a good script. Drugs, perhaps? Brain washing?

Now you have background to the event that happened on Sunday. On Sunday, we were supposed to start filming. My spirit was at a crushing low. We get out there and we find out that one of the actors did not show and wasn't answering the phone. Oh well, I guess we can't shoot. Ah no.

Then the others were saying stuff like "Oh, I can't believe this guy!" or "He is going to be replaced".

He was treated like he was the villain in the story. Like he was trying to bring down the idea of freedom from America.

Apparently, I may have been the only one to think that perhaps he was a hero. He should be awarded a minor medal. He is my role model.

It kind of reminds me of Louis Riel and his rebellion. Some think he's a villain, but I think he's a hero. Except this hero doesn't go crazy and run around a battlefield with a cross and saying nonsensical proclaimations. That was Riel. Not this guy. Yeah, that wasn't Riel's best moment. It kind of hurts the analogy a little bit in fact.

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