Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Every Tom, Dick and Harry

Just for those of you out there that do not who I am, I am your best dream come true. Or worse nightmare. Or both? Oh no. I forgot. How can I forget on the first thing of my blog thing. You know, a blog. The thing that every Tom, Dick and Harry puts out with their inane comments on how minute things bother them and they think that all the other Tom, Dick and Harrys will want to read, when in fact those other Tom, Dick and Harrys are just looking for some guy to rip into and make fun of their blogs and then the first set of Tom, Dick and Harrys will think that there are too many people that spell their names the same way and then start changing the way they spell their names and come up with the most convoluted ways of spelling their names so that no one in the world can spell it. You know, it will be garbage like "Tohm", "Dycke", and "Franceene".

What was I talking about? Oh yes, so welcome to my blog. I don't know what kind of stuff I'll talk about. Maybe more stuff like this. Maybe some other stuff that I've written before. So keep tuned.

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